Chris Hood
Chris Hood
My name is Chris Hood. I first fell in love with The Haswells 16 years ago when I met my wife, Hayley. We have 2 children aged 4 and 8 who have both attended the nursery in Haswell. I was christened and married in St Paul’s Church and over the years have been involved in many community activities such as coaching a junior football team and the fashion show- which brings back fond memories of such a thriving time for The Haswells. Coming from a large town myself it was refreshing to see two small villages with such a vibrant community spirit, where everyone knew and looked out for each other. My passion lies in community development and marketing. This has taken me down many paths in my career including both senior and director roles of community trusts, professional sports clubs, a national company and my own business. However, with two young children, who grow up so fast, I didn’t want to miss anything and gave up these national roles to work locally in the Furni-shed at Haswell Mencap. My skills of marketing, public speaking, debating and sourcing funding I feel will all be good attributes, if elected on May 4th for both Parish and County. Over the years I have made many friends of all ages from across The Haswells, a place steeped in history and a place that I now call home. Since we came together we have brought The Haswells together again to share information and we have heard a community voice like it used to be, just imagine what could be achieved over the next 4 years!